Dear Cathedral Family,
I am thankful for everyone who participated in our Rally Day for the program year 2021-22. It was an uplifting start to a new beginning—with some new faces, new ministries, and more opportunities to worship, learn, and serve. Please join me in giving special thanks for our lead chef Al Chow and his crew for a wonderful Rally Day Take-Out Brunch. Thanks to your generosity, we raised over $2100 for Feeding the Gulf Coast!
We have much to be thankful for also in the good work being done by our new clergy associate The Rev. Eric Zubler and new music director Elizabeth Bemis, as they begin developing and leading new ministries and projects. Be sure to check your email and our website, as opportunities will continue to be rolled out over the coming weeks and months.
As we look forward to cooler weather and the possibility of gathering outside in relative comfort, we are planning events for all ages, especially families with younger children. The first of these will be a Blessing of the Animals at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 3. We are also planning another Cathedral Treating for Halloween, along with an outdoor celebration for All Saints’ Sunday.
In this Sunday’s gospel lesson, Jesus enacts a parable to teach his followers about discipleship. He takes a little child into his arms and says, “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.” How we welcome, love, and care for the most vulnerable and dependent among us is how we welcome, love, and care for Jesus. And as we do this, Jesus welcomes us, as well, and welcomes us into his Way, the Way of the Cross, and of Love.