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Baptism is the sacrament signifying our identity as children of God

and our commitment to walk in the ways of God throughout our lives.


Baptism serves, as well, as a sacrament of welcome into the Body of Christ—for children and adults. In it, we celebrate God's love and embrace for God's people as unconditional and absolute; we are “marked as Christ’s own forever,” making Baptism a sacrament that is done only once in a person’s life.

Baptism is also a time when the community of faith gathers to renew its own commitment to Christ and to support those who are being baptized in their life in Christ. So it is appropriate that baptism take place, whenever possible, in the midst of the congregation during the Holy Eucharist as the chief service on a Sunday or other feast day.


The Book of Common Prayer designates certain days in the liturgical year as being especially appropriate for the celebration of Holy Baptism.  These are the Day of Pentecost, All Saints' Day or the Sunday after All Saints' Day, the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (the First Sunday after the Epiphany), and the annual visit from our bishop.  In addition to these dates designated by the Prayer Book, parents in the Cathedral family may speak with the Dean about other Sundays.  


In the early Church, adult baptisms were the norm as more and more people heard and responded to the Gospel.  Adult baptisms continue to be the cause for great celebration in our church. We encourage adults who are exploring the Christian faith at Christ Church Cathedral to discuss the possibility of baptism with one of the members of the clergy. Many adults who wish to be baptized take part in an Inquirers Class as part of their preparation.  Adult Inquirer's Classes are held in the spring before the annual visit of our bishop.   


If you wish to be baptized or to have a child baptized, please contact Carolyn Jeffers in the Cathedral office.  

Hudson Israel November 19

Through the solemn promises you made to God, you are responsible for your godchild. Yours is a sacred relationship from which there should come happiness and spiritual gain, both to you and to your godchild.

In carrying out your trust the following suggestions may prove helpful:

  1. Form the habit of praying regularly for your godchild by name, especially at celebrations of the Eucharist.

  2. Support your godchild in the practice of receiving Holy Communion regularly. Encourage attendance by your godchild at church services. Go with him/her when possible.

  3. Encourage attendance by your godchild at Church services—go along when possible.

  4. Cultivate your godchild's friendship. Multiply helpful contacts. Remember his/her birthday and baptismal anniversaries with an appropriate letter or gift.

  5. When your godchild is old enough, see that the child is enrolled in the Church School and is faithful in attendance.

  6. See that your godchild has a Bible and Prayer Book and that they are used.

  7. Remember your responsibility as a Sponsor for the Christian growth and education of your godchild. Be prepared to discuss the Christian life with your godchild whenever possible.

  8. Teach your godchild to look forward eagerly to Confirmation. By all means, be present at that service.


SUNDAYS  10:00 am 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II 

WEDNESDAYS   Noon in the Church 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II 


9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday - Thursday





115 South Conception Street

Mobile, Alabama 36602





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© 2020 by Christ Church Cathedral Mobile

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