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Christ Church Cathedral offers time honored liturgy, music, and architecture.

We welcome people from all walks of life and faiths to worship.

Worship is one of the ways in which human beings open themselves to sacred mystery. Our hope is that the experience of God in worship—through Scripture readings, prayers, silence, music, sacrament, and relationship—increases our awareness of God’s action in our daily lives. All worship, in-person or virtual is done in communion—in communion with the worldwide church and with the communion of saints through the ages.  In our worship, we transcend the divisions of the world and the values of rushing, striving, achieving and accumulating, in order to enter more fully into the Divine Life in which all human beings are sisters and brothers, beloved of God.


Faith is not a set of words-it is a living thing.  It can’t be written down or linked. Our church is a community, not an idea. The only way to know what Episcopalians believe is to come and see for yourself. We invite you to worship with us, pray with us, and sing (quietly) with us.

Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning at 10 am join us for Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Wednesdays at noon join us for the Service of the Simple Presence. (From Labor Day through Memorial Day)


Both services are open for in-person worship and are available virtually.


In Person Worship 

Christ Church Cathedral welcomes you for weekly Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 10 am in the Cathedral.  

Virtual Worship

Most services are live streamed and made available during and after worship.  Links to services and links to worship bulletins are found on the landing page.  


Service of the Simple Presence is at 5:15 pm on Wednesdays
from Labor Day through Memorial Day

We call this a “Simple Presence” service to emphasize that this will be a time for quiet reflection in God’s presence in the middle of the business of life. We will meet in the church. Side doors will be open. Shifting our location will allow us to invite visitors to come directly into the church. A sign will be placed at the corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets inviting people to prayer and communion. The handicap ramp will be available for those who need it. Christopher Powell will be on the organ bench to provide simple music for this service. The service should last approximately 30 minutes. Please come if you can—and invite others. 


We hope this resource is helpful. It can be used by those who are home-bound or ill, or those who are traveling. We're eager to hear from you about your experience of using it.


Other resources for prayer and reflection at home:


Christian Formation  links and the Children Chapel can be found on the Formation page.


For updates across our social media subscribe to the following Christ Church Cathedral channels:



In preparation for each service, we send an email with the link to the service, and the bulletin.  If you prefer you may wish to use your Book of Common Prayer, or if you don't have a prayer book at home, you can use this online version



Live-Stream Archives




Cathedral Celebration 2015 (3).jpg

Home-bound parishioners and others who need a special touch receive regular visits receive communion from the Reverend Eric Zubler.   Pastoral care is a ministry for all of us. We hope that you will consider being a part of this vital parish ministry.




SUNDAYS  10:00 am 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II 

WEDNESDAYS   Noon in the Church 
Holy Eucharist, Rite II 


9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday - Thursday





115 South Conception Street

Mobile, Alabama 36602





For more information about The Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, visit

© 2020 by Christ Church Cathedral Mobile

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