O merciful Creator, thy hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature:
Make us, we beseech thee, ever thankful for thy loving providence; and grant
that we, remembering the account that we must one day give, may be faithful
stewards of thy good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the
Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Planned Gifts
The Legacy Society is our planned giving program. Planned gifts through bequests are normally placed in the Endowment Fund. Income from the Endowment Fund supports the many ministries of Christ Church Cathedral, using a formula designed to provide a maximum stream of income for those ministries, while preserving or growing the corpus of the fund. Gifts can be made in life, by bequest or on a deferred basis. Careful planned giving can offer significant benefits to the donor, as well as to the church.
The hope for every generation is to make life better for those who follow. For almost 200 years, Christ Church Cathedral has provided spiritual sustenance to its members and the surrounding community, through worship and prayer, Holy Baptism, marriage, burial, pastoral care, Christian education for all ages, fellowship, and outreach to the Mobile Community. Christ Church Cathedral—its clergy, its people, its ministries—has been here for us in times of joy and sorrow. What better way to express our gratitude than to leave a legacy of support for this very special church and its continuing ministry?
Those who have made provision for the ongoing vitality of Christ Church Cathedral in their estate planning are considered members of the Legacy Society. There are many ways to do this, from bequests to trusts to life insurance, and our Financial Secretary is happy to discuss these options in light of your individual goals and circumstances. Planned giving is an option regardless of means or age.
Julie McClelland - Sunday, october 29, 2023