Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ's Body the Church.
The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.
By far, the most important requirement for joining the Episcopal Church is just showing up. Many Episcopal parishes are intentionally vague about assigning membership. We don’t want to be known as places where weekly attendance is taken, annual contributions are tabulated, and your membership is assigned only if you pass muster. We’re much less concerned about counting the people who are in, than we are about leaving someone out.
Of course, some people claim membership to our churches because a long-lost relative once attended, and this is fine by us. We believe the church should reflect the open and accepting arms of Jesus.
Once baptized in a parish, that person automatically becomes a member. In the Episcopal Church we will baptize infants, but that does not mean that you are ever too old to be baptized. We believe that being once baptized into the Christian faith, no matter what the denomination, that you are baptized for life.
If you are already a member of an Episcopal parish and you wish to join Christ Church Cathedral a Letter of Transfer is typically requested. However, the paperwork generally plays second fiddle to the importance of a feeling of belonging to the Cathedral family.
Confirmation is a mature, public affirmation of faith. For baptized Christians to serve in worship and leadership they must receive the laying on of hands by a bishop. Youth are trained in the catechism at Christ Church Cathedral in the eighth grade. Adult inquirers meet on the Sundays in Lent to learn about the Episcopal faith. Our bishop visits annually after Easter to baptize, confirm and receive members.

Questions on becoming a member, please contact the Cathedral office. We will be sure you speak with someone who can help answer your questions:
251.438.1822. Once the date is approved for confirmation in Spring 2025, we will post the date.