Because we recognize the divine wisdom of childhood and adolescence, Christ Church Cathedral is a place where youth and adults walk side by side, companions on the journey of faith. We strive to honor questions, avoid pat answers, and look together for the ways that God is at work in our lives. Our mission is to love and affirm all young people as children of God, to serve them as companions and guides, and to faithfully entrust their care to God. All are welcome here.
At Christ Church Cathedral youth are invited to prepare for confirmation in the 7th grade, or anytime thereafter. Classes will be held on the Sundays of Lent 2025. If you have a child who is in the 7th grade or older who would like to be confirmed, please contact Carolyn Jeffers.
Server Training will be after worship on Sunday, September 15
The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos meaning companion, follower, attendant, or helper. The ministry has its roots in Hebrew Scriptures where the prophet Samuel is seen assisting Eli. The first written historical record of the term acolyte appears in a letter from Pope Cornelius to the Bishop of Antioch in 251 CE. Christ Church Cathedral encourages young people to take on the role serving as crucifers, torch bearers, and banner bearers. They do many jobs before, during and after the service.
If you would like to serve on an acolyte team please contact Fr. Thomas Heard.
Parents are asked to register their children and youth if they will take part in any of our offerings (not just Sunday School). This helps the staff plan well, and provides the information our staff and volunteers need. Use this link to Register.
EYC Monthly Hang
Junior High (7th & 8th)
Senior High (9th-12th)
Church Youth will meet monthly for fellowship, Compline, and a meal. Location TBD each month.
For more information contact Lissa Watkins.
AFFIRM FORMATION CLASS for confirmed youth 7th-12th
Meets monthly from 4-5pm on a Sunday afternoon at the Watkins' home to study 1 Corinthians with Carolyn Jeffers and Caroline Etherton. For more information contact Carolyn.
Opportunities for our young people to give back, for more info contact Deacon Pratt Paterson.
Pratt Paterson / email
Fall 2024 Youth Activities
September 8 from 4-5:30pm Affirm
@ home of Kate Watkins, 103 Lanier Avenue
September 15 from 11:30am to 12:30pm Acolyte Training with Fr. Thomas Heard at the Altar
September 22 from 4-6:00pm Jr High & Sr High EYC Hang Minute to Win it & Compline. Location TBD
September 26-28 Baylights @ Beckwith
The weekend costs $75. Contact Tray Hamil (251) 422-2831
October 6 from 8:15-9:15am Service Opp!! Loaves & Fish @ CCC Kitchen
October 6 from 4-5:00pm Blessing of the Animals
@ CCC in the courtyard
October 18 EYC Lock-in
@ CCC - details forthcoming
October 26 9am-noon Service Opp!! Cathedral Clean-Up contact Lewis Golden for more info
October 27 4-5:30pm Affirm
@ home of Kate Watkins, 103 Lanier Avenue
November 3 All Saints and Cathedral Celebration
Jumpies in Mardi Gras Park
November 3 8:15-9:15am Service Opp!! Loaves & Fish
@ CCC Kitchen
November 4-6 Sr High EYC Pop Up
details forthcoming
November 10 5-6:30pm Affirm **time change
@ home of Kate Watkins, 103 Lanier Avenue
November 17 Reverse Advent begins & Wreath Making
December 1 8:15-9:15am Service Opp!! Loaves & Fish
@ CCC Kitchen
December 1 4-6pm Jr High & Sr High EYC Hang
details forthcoming
December 8 4-5:30pm Affirm
@ home of Kate Watkins, 103 Lanier Avenue
December 15 9:30am Christmas Pageant