Cathedral Notes
Sunday School
Today in Sunday School we will talk about Magi or Kings—as we discuss the transition from
Epiphany to Lent we will enjoy a little king cake.
Mardi Gras Family Party
Sunday, February 23 at 5:00 p.m.
Gather for the Neptune’s Daughters Parade. Fellowship, refreshments, and fun for all ages starting at 5:00 p.m. Please bring bags and personal beverages as we share in the joyful spirit of another Mobile Mardi Gras!
Joe Cain Day
Sunday, March 2
Passes for attending church on Joe Cain Day are on the ministry table. You will not be allowed to
pass the downtown police barricades that morning without a pass.
Cathedral Prayer List
At Christ Church Cathedral we pray for one another in different ways, and invite you to request prayer by the clergy, or the parish. During our Sunday worship we pray silently and aloud for our own needs and those of others. If you have a prayer concern that you wish to be included in our prayers, please email Carolyn Jeffers at cjeffers@christchurchcathedralmobile.org to send a confidential request. This could be a prayer for yourself or for a loved one, friend, or colleague. If you include an address our prayer card ministry team will mail a prayer card.
Each year we ask that the names on the prayer list be resubmitted. Please let Carolyn Jeffers know if you have added a name to the prayer list and would like for it to remain. We will publish the new list on February 2. When requesting that someone be added to the printed prayer list that is included in our Sunday service bulletins, please ask their permission before adding names. If you will also send us their address, we will mail a card letting them know we are keeping them in our prayers. ​​​​
How to Join the Episcopal Church
By far, the most important requirement for joining the Episcopal Church is showing up. Many Episcopal parishes are intentionally vague about assigning membership. We believe the church should reflect the open and accepting arms of Jesus. If one is baptized in a parish, they automatically become a member. If one is already a member of an Episcopal parish and moves to another, a Letter of Transfer is typically requested. To serve as a lay minister you should be baptized in this or any Christian church, confirmed or received by a bishop of the Episcopal Church, attend services, receive Holy Communion, and make a financial commitment.
Youth Confirmands and Parents Informational Zoom Meeting
Sunday, February 16
If you have a child in grade 7 and above, and you have not been contacted with a meeting link,
please contact Carolyn Jeffers at (251) 438-1822.
Morning Circle
Monday, February 10 at 10:30 a.m.
Morning Circle Bible Study meets at the home of Nancy Bryan.
This year the group is studying “The Women in the Bible” by Shannon Bream. Everyone is invited to join.
For more information please call Nancy Bryan at (251) 377-5152
Save the Date ​
February 21 & 22 Diocesan Convention & Youth Lock-In
Sunday, March 2 Joe Cain Day
Wednesday, March 5 Ash Wednesday
Friday, March 28 The Seven Last Words of Christ
Sunday, April 20 Easter Sunday
Sunday, May 4 Cathedral Celebration and Parochial Visit
Christ Church Cathedral is on:
Facebook // www.facebook/christchurchcathedralmobile
Instagram // instagram.com/cccmobile/
Twitter // twitter.com/cccmobile/
Contact (including media inquiries)
Carolyn Jeffers // 251.438.1822 // email