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Turning Back the Clock

Writer's picture: Dean GibsonDean Gibson

Dear Cathedral Family,

“Turning back the clock” this weekend follows a week that plays with our concepts of time. Even as we debate and attempt to legislate “Daylight Savings Time” and “Standard Time,” we cannot escape the truth that there are only so many hours of daylight and darkness, so many lunar cycles, so many orbits around the sun in our lives. We do not determine the number and duration of these, just as we do not truly understand the nature of time itself. We do not even really comprehend the true nature of life and death, as our lessons this Sunday remind us.

This week is one of the “thin places” in time within the life of the Church, when we can become aware of the permeability of the veil between this life and the life that exists before and after. Time shimmers when on All Saints’ Day (November 1) and All Souls’ Day (November 2) we remember those before us who have given their lives for the Church and all those faithful ones whom we love but see no longer—and realize they abide with us still.

They have all risen to new life in Christ. Even though “they seem to have died,” as the Wisdom writer says, they continue to abide with us as they abide in God’s perfect love. We remain united with them in our prayers, our worship, and our shared life in Christ.

All Saints’ is one of the Principle Feasts of the Church that may be celebrated on the Sunday that follows its occurrence, so this Sunday we will celebrate and give thanks for the lives of all those who have come before us. In our hymns and prayers we will ask for the grace to be like them in faith, strength, and courage, even as we look forward to the day when we will be gathered with them into the joys prepared for us in the God who loves us.

Following our worship on Sunday, we will gather outside in the beautiful fall weather in the garden to enjoy a small foretaste of that joy. There will be a “little something special” for adults and children to enjoy, and we will, above all, enjoy each other’s company as we give thanks for those who have gone before us. During Children’s Chapel and Sunday School, our youngest members will make something special for our celebration.

Don’t forget to “turn back the clock” an hour on Saturday night before bed. I look forward to a joyful day with as many of you as possible.

Faithfully, Beverly+


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