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Peace, Joy, Love

Writer's picture: Dean GibsonDean Gibson

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

As we move toward the close of this unusual year, we continue to adapt our usual ways of living to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. The first Sunday in December is the date set each year for a parish meeting in which a three-year vestry class is elected, along with a slate of delegates to our diocesan convention. We hold a separate meeting in late January for a year-end report on the previous year in parish life, along with a report on plans and budget for the year ahead. In accordance with canon, these meetings will be held as usual, with provision for virtual attendance that has been approved by the diocesan standing committee.

In this email you will find a link that will enable you to be present for this Sunday’s meeting via Zoom. There will be a “polling” application in the Zoom window that will allow you affirm the slates presented by your vestry for adoption. Those persons present for church this Sunday will be able to attend in person, with masks and social distancing observed. The same procedure will be used in January.

We will continue our usual seasonal activities this year, with accommodations made possible by technology. You will find information in this email about how to: sponsor an angel from the Angel Tree, make a memorial or honoring donation for Christmas poinsettias and music, participate in Christmas caroling, and make a pledge for 2021 stewardship.

Our plans for Advent and Christmas music and worship all encompass both in-person attendance (with our present restrictions in place) as well as live streaming. You will find information here about Lessons and Carols as well as services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Sign up opportunities for in-person worship will be forthcoming.

We all hope and pray that circumstances will allow those of us who are able to gather in person for worship in this holy season. As scripture (and experience) attest, however, we do not know what the future will bring.

Whatever transpires, we will continue to be faithful in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers as best we are able through the gift of technology.

Take good care of yourself and those you love; practice the gifts of the season in hope, peace, joy, and love; be kind and generous to all. Keep the faith.

May you know God’s peace,



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Mobile, Alabama 36602



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