Dear Cathedral Family,
As we continue to travel with Jesus and his disciples toward Jerusalem in Mark’s gospel, this week James and John ask Jesus for a share of his glory in the coming kingdom. Jesus tells them, in several ways, that greatness in his kingdom comes only through serving. The letter to the Hebrews tells us that our salvation, our adoption as God’s children, came through Jesus’ own submission to God’s will and his service to many. What we are called to do, to live into our salvation, is to serve.
We are living here at Christ Church Cathedral in a season of service. In our life together as the Cathedral Family this week that service will happen in a couple of ways. When our youth gather on Friday night to enjoy time together at a lock-in at home in our sacred spaces, the parents and adult volunteers attending them will be serving to form and empower a rising generation among us. Next Wednesday, when our most senior members gather for worship and a “legacy luncheon,” the volunteers, staff, and clergy that day will be serving and honoring this wisdom generation for their service. In the daily stocking of our food pantry and the monthly offering of prepared lunches to neighbors, our Loaves and Fish ministry is serving and extending loving care to others.
In the last week of October, we will begin our season of stewardship. You will be hearing more from leaders and members in the Cathedral Family about how we “Walk in Love” in our life together. We do this by giving back from what God has given us in order to work together, to care for each other and all others, and to pray in ways that draw us closer to each other and to God.
I continue to be honored to serve alongside you in this season of our shared life.