Dear Cathedral Family,
As students and teachers return to classrooms this week and next, our prayers are with them, asking God’s blessing on their lives and learning and God’s protection for their wellbeing and safety. At the beginning of our worship this Sunday we will pause to pray for the students and teachers in the Cathedral Family as well as for the students and faculty in the schools receiving our Operation Backpack materials.
Deacon Pratt Paterson has led this year’s effort, and he has assembled a team of youth and parents to pack backpacks (and eat pizza) after worship this Sunday. Extra volunteer hands are welcome, and it’s not too late to contribute if you would like, by giving online or in the alms basin. Deacon Pratt has also gathered notes of encouragement and support and prayers from our youth to include in the backpacks for students in Wilmer Hall tutoring programs in Prichard and Maysville schools.
Next week will be a time of final preparations for the diocesan choir festival being hosted here at Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday, August 17. We still need volunteers to serve as greeters, helpers with hospitality and logistics, and ushers. Please see the note and link in this email and on our website to sign up.
In this Sunday’s epistle reading, Paul appeals to the young church in Ephesus to live a changed way of life—giving up anger and bitterness and choosing kindness and forgiveness, living in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us. As we move into this next season of life in our community and country, the call to live in peace and to “not make room for the devil” will be especially important in our life together.
Walk in love,