Dear Cathedral Family,
Last Sunday was a beautiful day of baptisms and looking forward to the year ahead as the Church with the Proclamation of the Date of Easter and the blessing of chalk for Epiphany House Blessings.
Because of the Mobile Marathon all around us, with the finish line on Church Street, many of you were not able to be present, so we will be making available again this Sunday copies of the proclamation, along with chalk and blessing prayers. Our children will be learning about house blessings in Children’s Chapel and Sunday School, and they will do us the great favor of marking the cathedral doors with the blessing signs.
The “manifestation” or “appearing” to which the word Epiphany refers is not only the visit of the three Magi to the infant Jesus, but also the descending of the Holy Spirit and speaking of the divine voice at Jesus’ baptism, and the changing of water to wine at the wedding at Cana.
This Sunday’s gospel contains the third of these three epiphanies, and I hope that if you could not attend the first two you will be able to be together with us here for the third. And more than that: I hope that all of you will make the marks of the Lord’s presence and blessing on the thresholds of your homes, not only for those who live there but for all who visit.
May we continue to grow in grace and the knowledge and love of the Lord in this holy season.