Dear Cathedral Family,
An enormous THANK YOU to everyone in the Cathedral Family who helped to make our one and only Bicentennial Celebration a wonderful day of joy and thanksgiving. Choir and musicians, gardeners, flower arrangers, hospitality teams, cleaning work crews, organizers and logisticians—all worked together to make the day beautiful and smooth. We are especially thankful to Robby McClure for serving as our Bicentennial Committee chair, overseeing all the many aspects of the day with ease and grace. And, as always, I am thankful for our talented and hardworking staff and lay leaders, who give their attention to every detail with love.
We were glad to see old friends, neighbors, members who have moved elsewhere, and extended Cathedral Family. They help us to remember how wide and deep our community really is.
As we enter the season of Thanksgiving, approaching Advent, our attention is drawn to those things that matter most to us—our closest relationships, our connections to friends and neighbors, and our commitment to extend hospitality to everyone, remembering that Christ is present in every person.
This Sunday’s gospel is about readiness, not simply watching to see what happens next, but living and doing deeds of love that are the heart of discipleship.