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Service Ministry

“As the Father has sent me, so I send you,” Jesus said. Christians are people who sense that they are called live their lives like Jesus.  As St. Paul said to the Galatians,

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me.”

Holiday Drive for Feeding the Gulf Coast

For Thanksgiving the Cathedral Family will host a fund Drive for Feeding the Gulf Coast.  It takes funds for Feeding the Gulf Coast to get food to those who need it most.  For every $5 raised, they can provide 25 meals to individuals and families in need.  This is possible by taking advantage of purchasing our food items in bulk at a reduced cost. So this year we are asking every member of the Cathedral Family to donate at least $5 for Feeding the Gulf Coast.  You may use the giving link on our website, place the money in the alms basin, or mail a check to the Cathedral office. Please send your donations by Monday, November 20.


Christmas Angel Tree

Gifts should be returned by Sunday, December 10

This year we are sponsoring gifts for 23 children and youth in the Mobile Police

Department’s Family Intervention Team (FIT), and we will collecting gifts for

children at the Child Advocacy Center.  If you like to shop for gifts for our children

the list is posted on our website and is also linked in our weekly email.

You may also participate by making a financial contribution

As always 100% of donations will be used to purchase gifts.


Pastoral Care
Food Share Pantry 
T A K E   W H A T   Y O U   N E E D
G I V E   WH A T   Y O U   C A N 

Have you noticed the new box posted on Church Street next to our small parking lot?  it was

placed by Joseph Helmsing as part of his Eagle Scout project.  The box is a mini pantry which

offers a grassroots solution to immediate and local need.  We will stock the box with basic

essentials like: canned meat or fish, canned soup, canned fruits and vegetables, peanut butter,

pasta, cereal, kids' snacks or baby snacks.  You may also donate toiletries like deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shaving soap.  Look for a box in the Chapter House for donations.  This is an appeal for easy to eat foods that are easy to open. Please use our Food Share Pantry sign-up to choose a week to fill the pantry.


Card Ministry

The Card Ministry Team ministers to the Cathedral family by sending each a birthday prayer card during their birthday month.  The team also sends a card to everyone who is on the Cathedral Prayer list.  The time commitment is 2 hours per month.  The Card Team Chair will initially send a packet of cards, envelopes, and stamps, and then will send a list of those having birthdays.   Special skills preferred: A dependable personality with a desire to help people feel connected.

food share pantry.jpg

We recognize that Christianity is meant to be a way of life, not just religious beliefs.

We look to Jesus' example for inspiration about this way.  


We strive to work within our community, and in the wider world. We support local organizations with regular financial support:

  • Bay Area Food Bank

  • Beckwith Camp and Conference Center

  • Catholic Social Services

  • Family Promise of Coastal Alabama

  • Mobile Area Interfaith Conference, Prison Ministry

  • Mobile Bay Keeper

  • Feeding the Gulf Coast


Please prayerfully consider how you might be part of this ministry.


Jesus said he came not to be served but to serve. Many Christians feel unusually whole, complete and fulfilled in life, when serving and caring for others. We might say that it is at times like these that we feel most united to Christ.


Jesus spoke of the mystery Christians encounter when giving themselves in service to others. In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus said, that when we care for people in need, we are caring for Jesus himself. In other words, we encounter the Holy in serving and caring for one another, and Christians have often insisted that the experience of God is most poignant, most tangible, and most complete in our care and love for each other.

On-Going, Hands-On projects include:

  • Episcopal Relief and Development      

  • Christmas Angel Tree

  • Mobile Kappa League

  • Murray House Assisted Living Facility

  • Operation Back Pack

  • United Thank Offering

  • Wilmer Hall Children's Home



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