Giving Sunday is November 19
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like unto it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

Dear Cathedral Family,
I am once again grateful for the leadership of Bragg Van Antwerp in our Annual Giving 2024: Continuing to Grow in Discipleship, and for the gifted lay leaders in the Cathedral Family who have joined in this effort.
The invitation of this year’s campaign has been to engage in giving as an act of devotion to God and an act of discipline in your own life. Receiving gifts from God and giving back to God for the mission of Christ’s Church can never be transactional: there is nothing we can give God that doesn’t already belong to God. What God does desire is our loving and living in the discipline of the Way of Jesus Christ. To grow in our discipleship first requires loving God—prayer, time spent with God’s Word, worship—and then our discipline in giving for the work of the household of God.
Enclosed with this letter you will find: a stair-step chart describing our giving and a proportional giving chart to help you in determining your next step in giving along with an estimate of giving card for you to complete and return. For those of you currently giving to Christ Church Cathedral, a statement of your 2023 year-to-date giving as a point of reference will be emailed to you November 30.
More information about giving and our stewardship of gifts, as well as online giving opportunities, is available on our website.
Please prayerfully consider how you can grow in discipleship through giving for our ministries in 2024 and complete your estimate of giving card at your earliest convenience so that we can begin our ministry planning for 2024.
I am continually thankful for your faithfulness as the Cathedral Family and look forward to continuing to grow in discipleship with you all in the year ahead.
When we ask each member of the Cathedral Family to grow in discipleship, how will we use the money?
Christian formation to maintain and improve our teaching material, to offer new and expanded Programs, and to provide quality care for our youngest members.
Staffing to meet the needs of our children, youth, & members in every generation.
Property & maintenance to keep our physical plant in good repair & to equip them for our activities.
These are a few of our needs. Our budget process begins with our income. We can only budget our expenses after we determine our income. We need every member to commit to giving—to grow together in discipleship.
On Sunday Adrienne and Lewis Golden, asked that you consider growing your giving by one of three ways: by 1 percent of your income, Growing Toward Tithing, or Growing a Step in a dollar amount of your own choosing. Please consider the chart below and determine where you fit. Then please prayerfully consider moving up one step on the chart.
Lewis and Adrienne Golden, Sunday, November 12
Bragg Van Antwerp, Sunday, October 29, 2023