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Shared Life

Writer's picture: Dean GibsonDean Gibson

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

As school begins in various formats and summer draws toward its end, here at Christ Church Cathedral we are planning for fall and the upcoming program year in ways that will allow us to carry out our mission and ministry both virtually and in-person, as circumstances permit.

We have made improvements in three areas of the cathedral that increase our flexibility in various ministries. This week our permanent streaming and recording equipment is being installed in the church, tying into our existing systems and allowing us to live stream and record any services in the nave. (Throughout the spring and summer, our streaming has been carried out through Media Services, Inc.) This summer we acquired movable lights and video equipment for the chapel, which has allowed us to begin recording Children’s Chapel and will also enable us to do other recording there (such as the Simple Presence worship this past July.) Our sound system in the garden has been reconnected following the completion of construction of the new courtyard, allowing us to use that space for worship and gatherings outside.

The Children and Youth Team, led by Alison Mitchell, is planning formation offerings for children and youth. They have done great work this summer in transitioning Children’s Chapel and formation materials to online formats, and they continue to come up with creative ideas (like CCC a Go-Go) to keep our young families connected. They are working now on more interactive formation opportunities for the upcoming year.

For adults, we are planning opportunity for Centering Prayer once a week, as well as a Lectio Divina format for Bible Study, and the return of our Book Group. Simple Presence worship on Wednesdays will return in September, as well.

The Baptized for Life team continues to discern ways to transition their program into our new reality. The MobPacers group, led by Carl Cunningham, Jr., now has its home base at Christ Church Cathedral, as part of the Baptized for Life (BFL) initiative. The team hopes to add other innovative ways to foster mind/body/spirit health in the near future.

Organist and choirmaster Christopher Powell is making plans for our musical programs for the year. As singing in groups remains prohibitive for health and safety reasons, he is focusing on soloists and duets, a rejuvenated hand bell group, string performances, and of course the use of our magnificent organ.

The Cathedral Vestry will meet again on August 30 to consider our worship posture for the fall, and we are hopeful that we will be able to return in September to some modified forms of gathering in person for worship. To this end, we have subscribed to Signup Genius, an online tool that will allow us to make “reservations” for worship and gatherings, also giving us information necessary for contact tracing should that be needed. You will be learning to use this soon!

As you can see, we have much to be thankful for and much to look forward to in our shared life together. I know you join me in thanksgiving for the good and faithful work of our talented lay leadership. The challenges of this pandemic time have brought with them the opportunity to envision new ways of being the Church and of deepening our life in the Spirit. Take heart.

May you know God’s peace,



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