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Not the Same

Writer's picture: Dean GibsonDean Gibson

Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,

Since March, our shared life in the Church has been one of new challenges and difficult choices. I am thankful for the wisdom and insight, honesty and courage, and steady faithfulness of our lay leadership, especially the Cathedral Vestry. I have leaned heavily on our Vestry during this time, sounding their experiences and perspectives to make decisions about our safety and readiness to return to gathering for worship.

I am happy to share with you that in our meeting of August 30, the Vestry concurred with my decision that we are ready to return to a modified form of in-person worship beginning Sunday, September 6,

Physicians and public health officials in our community concur that COVID-19 case numbers are finally trending in the right direction and that public behaviors have adjusted in healthy and helpful ways. All this creates a safer environment for taking the first step in resuming our life together at Christ Church.

Please be aware: worship will not be “exactly the same” as it was prior to March.

· As we continue to follow local, state, and diocesan guidelines, everyone must wear a mask at all times when in the church. For now, the service will be limited to 50 people, who must make a “reservation” in advance. (Once we see the consistent level of responses, we will determine the need for additional service times.)

· We will not sing, process, or move about in the nave. Communion in one kind will be brought to you in your pew.

· The service will be shortened to last under one hour.

· Until at least the beginning of October, we will not be able to have a nursery, Children’s Chapel, or hospitality.

· We will gather for worship only, with the exception of occasional gatherings of fewer than 25 people. Within this email you will find the protocols established for in-person gathering.

As many of us will not be able to return to in-person worship for some time, we will continue to live stream services, and Lay Eucharistic Visitors will contact those unable to attend to see if they desire safe, masked, socially distanced visits to their homes (preferably outside) to receive communion reserved and safely packaged from Sunday worship.

As always, Cathedral staff are here to answer any questions, help you make “reservations,” and refer any pastoral needs to the appropriate providers. Our website will be kept up to date with information and links you will need.

I cannot express how much I have missed gathering with you at the Lord’s Table—or how strange it has been to try to reach out to you only through a camera lens, computer screen, or cell phone. I am prayerfully looking forward to a gradual process of safe, small steps bringing us back closer together. Please stay healthy and safe and pray for the continued healing of our community.

May you know God’s peace,



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