Dear Cathedral Family and Friends,
Since resuming in-person worship in September, our attendance has grown steadily, as we have all grown familiar and (relatively) more comfortable with new protocols for distancing, mask-wearing, and care for the safety and wellbeing of all. The last few Sundays we have met our 50-person capacity limit.
I am pleased to let you know that our bishop has increased the maximum service attendance to 100 people, and that our system for in-person worship registration has been expanded to reflect that. All existing protocols will remain in place. We will continue to set aside pews for visitors, allowing us to accommodate folks who may not have registered but want to come on Sunday morning. Of course, we will continue to live stream and record our worship for those among us who are not able to attend.
We have also received permission to resume nursery care, following CDC guidelines. The Children and Youth Program Team is working to establish a set of protocols for the CCC nursery, and McKayla Cusker will be returning as supervisor for that program. We hope to have the nursery ready and staffed and open on All Saints’ Sunday, November 1. More information will be coming in the weeks ahead.
As we move further into fall, the CY Team has planned monthly events for children and youth. We continue, cautiously and carefully, to gather in smaller groups of adults for bell choir, vestry, and prayer groups. And we still make virtual participation possible whenever we can.
I can’t say that I have grown comfortable with—or even used to—living with so many unknowns about the short- and long-term future. But I am committed to practices of prayer and sacred reading that help keep my perspective grounded. I pray that each of you has found your own rhythm of spiritual practice.
This Sunday in our gospel reading, Jesus teaches about giving to Caesar those things that belong to Caesar and giving to God those things that are God’s. This is apt advice for us all in this highly politicized season. I encourage you to do what you must to be informed and responsible citizens, all the while staying deeply grounded in the faith that has been given to you, leaning into God’s presence throughout your days. In Sunday’s reading from Exodus, God promises Moses that his Presence will remain with him always. God’s promise is true for us, too.
May you know God’s peace,