Dear Cathedral Family,
This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost, when the Great Fifty Days of Easter come to an end and the long green season of Ordinary Time begins. Traditionally, this is the end of the regular program year in the church and the beginning of summer schedules and rhythms of living, working, and worship.
Our past year here at Christ Church Cathedral has been filled with events and activities, not least among them the celebration of our bicentennial year last November. I am deeply thankful for the dedication and hard work of so many of you as you planned and brought to fruition the many gatherings and celebrations that have brought us together as the Body of Christ.
I am also thankful for all of you who make our ministries possible—programs for children and youth, music, formation for all generations, worship, hospitality, pastoral care, and so much more. YOU are the Church, and without you our life together does not exist.
As we move into the summer months, filled with travel, family events, and new adventures that take us into other parts of the world, please know that our life here on the corner of Church and St. Emanuel Streets continues. Vacation Bible School will happen on the Sundays of summer. New ministries will come to life. The Betty Coale Music Scholarship students will be with us. All of our regular guilds, committees and ministries continue to function.
Please don’t be strangers this summer, and don’t forget we need each other in order to be who God calls us to be and to go where the Spirit guides us in the season after Pentecost.