Dear Cathedral Family,
This Sunday we will welcome a new season in our life together as we celebrate the First Sunday after the Epiphany, and we will welcome three new people into the household of God—Bestor Drew, Thomas Simmons, and Betty Walker—through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. We will bless chalk to use in blessing our homes during the Epiphany season, and we will hear the proclamation of the date of Easter and the feasts of Our Lord in 2025.
The appearing of God with us in the coming of Christ has been observed by the Church throughout its history in many ways: the Incarnation in the manger at Bethlehem, the arrival of the star-following Magi, the descent of the Holy Spirit at Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River, and the first miracle at the wedding in Cana. The first of these we have celebrated in the Christmas season, the second in The Epiphany last Monday, the third will be this Sunday, and the fourth will come next Sunday in the Year C gospel reading.
I hope that the observance of this holy season has brought peace, joy, and deep meaning to you and your family. And now my hope and prayer is that we will carry the light and Good News we have received into our shared ministry and life together throughout 2025.
As you will see in this email, many things are happening in the weeks ahead here at the Cathedral, and I hope that as many of you as are able will be a part. This Sunday, as you will see, will be the second year of the relocation of the Mobile Marathon to Mardi Gras Park. Again this year as last, Marty O’Malley and the First Light Community have been generous in their provision for our needs to get safely to church and have adequate parking. Directions for the route to the parking lot on Church Street appear in this email. Everything went smoothly last year, and we hope for the same now in 2025.
I look forward to sharing many good things in our life together in the year ahead.