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At Christ Church Cathedral women and men have several opportunities to participate in small groups with a special focus, including the altar guild, the flower guild, Pastoral Care ministries, and Service Ministries.
Altar Guild
The altar guild prepares the church for each service of Holy Eucharist, setting the altar with the elements for communion, as well as for special services. The altar guild also prepares communion kits for clergy and lay visitors who take communion to those who are unable to come to church because of illness or other reasons. Members of the altar guild are grouped in teams so that those who are new to this ministry can learn from others, and so that no one person or team has sole responsibility for these important tasks. To learn more, please contact Barbara Archer or Paula Watkins.
Flower Guild
The flower guild prepares fresh flowers and greenery for services at St. Stephen's, including regular Sunday worship, and special services. Like the altar guild, the flower guild is organized by teams. Homer McClure leads the flower guild and Lucy Brady assists him--you may email her for more information.
When you enter Christ Church Cathedral on Sundays, we hope you enjoy the beautiful flowers arranged by the flower guild. We are fortunate to have dedicated, talented volunteers who select and arrange these flowers and greenery, enhancing our worship space.
You may have noticed in the Sunday bulletin that flowers are given by parishioners to remember or honor loved ones. This opportunity is available to all. To give a flower memorial and acknowledge a family member or friend who has died, simply contact Marl;a Reis, Parish Secretary, with the name(s) of those to be remembered, the date you prefer, and a check. The donation for a memorial is $75. If you wish to repeat this memorial gift annually, Marla will remind you each year when it’s time to renew.
Hospitality Teams
Sunday Hospitality:
Each week teams plan, prepare/purchase, and serve refreshments for the time following the service. Teams will be on 8 to 10-week rotation so they serve 6 or 7 times each year. All teams help with some special celebrations.
Advent/Lenten Lunch Team:
Teams plan the menu, organize volunteers to purchase, prepare and serve the meals on Wednesdays during Lent.
Funeral Team:
Hospitality and Altar Guild to assist with the services of burial and visitations.
Pastoral Care
New Baby:
support, love, care, information for parishioners having or adopting a baby
contact and inquiry about immediate needs
visit with gift, food, baptism information
Prayer Card:
cards and/or handwritten notes to parishioners in pastoral need (life transitions, illness, hospitalization, nursing facility care, bereavement) personalized and signed on behalf of the Cathedral family, assuring them of our prayers for their well-being and our love
hospitality and support to grieving families gathered at the church for visitation and funeral
support to family and friends through meals, assistance, etc.
Lay Eucharistic Ministry:
visits each week to those who are unable to attend our worship together, taking them the Eucharist, as well as the prayers and love of the Cathedral family
this ministry requires licensing through the Diocese and works directly with the clergy

Every Sunday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Every Wednesday from 3:00pm to 4:00pm