Dear Cathedral Family,
I enjoyed the chance to see so many of you last Sunday during our time of hospitality after church, and it looks like this is going to be a more frequent occurrence! New hospitality groups are coming together, just as new supper clubs are engaging and making plans. These are encouraging signs of new life in this springtime emergence from our long pandemic winter.
Communion conversations for young people, confirmation and inquirers’ groups for youth and adults, acolyte training, a new Lenten program of “Walks and Talks” for adults—all of these (and more) gatherings are energizing and encouraging for our whole community here at Christ Church Cathedral.
This spring here at the cathedral will see a diocesan gathering for a service of repentance, a diaconate ordination, our bishop’s annual visit and Cathedral Celebration, and a festive send-off for our graduating seniors. There is much to do and plenty of opportunity for everyone to find a way to be involved.
All of this activity is not simply re-engaging. It is the engaging of new life, beginning anew, with a new chapter in the continuing life of the people of God at Christ Church. If you haven’t been here in a while, you might want to show up to see what the Spirit is doing.
This Sunday we will hear again the story of God establishing the covenant promises with Abram. This covenant, once established, is never broken—although God’s people will often stray away—but it is made new, reimagined, recreated, and affirmed in perpetually new and gracious ways by a loving and forgiving God. God is always calling to us to return and to be in relationship, and our response to that call is the source of all life, hope, and joy.