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CCCM-All Saints Sunday 2016-7137-X2
2016-03-27 10.24.19
CCCM-All Saints Sunday 2016-7221-X2








We cannot go to church, but we are still the church.

Link for Service of the Simple Presence for the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Bulletin for Sunday, August 30, 2020


This page offers the latest information about how we are staying

connected as the CoVid-19 pandemic keeps us physically distant.


Worship and other activities that take place at Christ Church Cathedral are suspended until at least

August 30. We are working daily to find ways to connect to you with worship,

prayer, support and information.



September 1, 2020


We are glad to welcome you back to Christ Church Cathedral for in-person worship.  We are taking every precaution for your safety.  The building has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, seating is distanced, facial masks are required, and hand sanitizer is available in abundance.  For the safety of everyone, we ask you to observe these protocols:


  • You must make a reservation to attend.

  • Do not attend if you have flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms or are exposed to someone with COVID-19.

  • Please be thoughtful about your presence together with others on this day: prioritize this day by limiting risks of exposure to the virus in the days prior to the service.

  • The church will be opened for you to enter 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the service.  You must arrive by 10:55 a.m. to be guaranteed your reserved seat(s). Visitors will be seated in remaining seats after the opening hymn.

  • Enter the church from St. Emanuel Street.  Enter through the vestibule doors on the left and right sides of the front porch, or by using the ramp which is in the garden to the right of the church.

  • Face masks are required for all in attendance.  Please put your mask on while still in your vehicle.  Keep your mask on until you return to your vehicle, except when taking communion. Hand sanitizing stations will be available on the porch, along with additional masks. 

  • Social distancing should be observed at all times.  Keep a six-foot distance from anyone who is not in your family.  Please do not gather with those not in your family group.

  • There will be no ushers. When you enter, check your family in at the Welcome Table.  A vestry greeter will be present to register any visitors. 

  • Seating is designated for everyone who is attending.  Seating charts will be on the front porch and at the handicapped entrance. 

  • A bulletin will be in each reserved seat.  Please keep your bulletin, take it with you at the end of the service, and do not leave it in the pews or give it to any non-family member. 

  • At the exchange of the Peace, wave, bow, or offer some other contactless gesture while maintaining a safe distance.

  • The collection plate will not be passed.  Please place contributions in the offering plates found at the back of the Cathedral by the vestibule doors.

  • Use the new restrooms on the north side of the Huger House.   

  • When exiting the building, please leave in an orderly, distanced manner, with back pews leaving first. 

  • Please remain in your pew for the duration of the service.  Communion in one kind (wafer) will be distributed to you in your pew by the priest.

  • We will have music, but ask that no one sing aloud.

  • At the end of the service, please remain in your pew until the time you have been directed to exit.


Until such time as it is safe for us to gather in person at Christ Church Cathedral, we will be carrying out our mission as the Body of Christ from our various places out in the world. But that does not mean we will stop praying and worshiping and being disciples following the Way of Jesus together.


For as long as we are able we will live-stream worship from the Cathedral on Sunday mornings at our regular worship time of 10:00 a.m.  Christopher Powell will be on the bench to provide beautiful music for our worship, and we will sing hymns. The Dean will lead worship and offer a sermon. A lay reader will be present to read lessons and Cathedral Prayers.


We will send bulletins electronically, and they will be linked to this page as well.  There will also be a link to our worship service so that you may participate from home if you wish. Please share this information with anyone you know who might like to worship with us. If you are able to help someone who is technologically challenged access the service, please do so. The service will also be available on Face Book YouTube.


Many schools, preschools, and child care centers have closed during this outbreak.  We looked to educators for some resources to help parents with young children. 



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